Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, 2010 is still relatively new. ;)

While John has been busy exploring Spanish cuisine and blogging about it on his blog, Cooking in Spain, I’ve been entertaining myself working on Web site projects. One of the things I’d been planning to do for some time is convert some articles I wrote for the Seven Seas Cruising Association Commodores’ Bulletin to Web pages. I’m all caught up with that now, and the articles are available from the “Adventures” section of the “Words about our voyage” page on the Web site.

We’ve been lots of places that I haven’t written about except on the blog, and I have more articles planned for the SSCA about last cruising season, but it was time to get these three pieces from 2008 online. They are about our stop at Isla de Providencia in the Caribbean, our exploration of the Azores in the middle of the Atlantic, and our voyage from France to Holland in the English Channel and North Sea. Since they were written for an audience of sailors, cruisers, and cruiser-want-to-be’s, others will find that they include information you don’t care about and omit things you’d really like to know as tourists, like how to get there if you aren’t on a boat and where to stay if you don’t live aboard.

The weather here in Cartagena hasn’t been the best these last few weeks, but it’s probably been better than most of you are experiencing. We haven’t had any snow although it may have gotten down to freezing a couple of nights. Mostly it’s been chilly with lots of wind and some rain. Not what most people expect for the Mediterranean, but actually pretty normal we’re told.

And lest you think that all we do is sit around all day eating and staring at the computer, I want to assure you that we do get daily exercise. Mostly that consists of a walk to the store. Tonight, however, our walk was to a nice restaurant (El Barrio de San Roque) to celebrate John’s birthday.