Sunday, February 3, 2008

Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua

This place is great! It’s a really beautiful, small resort and marina tucked into a mangrove-lined lagoon. Here’s a URL so you can see for yourself: The entrance is well-marked, everyone is friendly, and it has all the amenities (restaurant, bar, two pools, and laundry). All this, and the price is less than we paid at Puerto Quetzal. Here it’s a dollar a foot for the first two nights and 50 cents a foot after that. We were only going to stay for two nights, but I just talked John into staying one more night. After three weeks at Marina Pez Vela, we deserve this.

In just a few minutes, we’re going to go watch the Superbowl. Where ever two or more cruising boats are gathered together, there will be a potluck. And so it is. John contributed dorado that he caught the first morning out of Guatemala. He gave it to Linda on a neighboring boat, and she’s making ceviche. I’ve got to run now, but I’ll be back later.

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